A List of All Tools in Birdfont

New font

Open font

Save font


Grey Color Theme

Zoom in

Zoom out

Convert the last segment to a straight line

Create Bézier curves
s - line
u - corner
x - on axis
ESC - stop drawing
Enter - stop drawing and close path
q - snap to guides
e - adjust handles for extrema

Move control points
x - on axis
e - adjust handles for extrema
backspace - delete points
shift + backspace - delete points and break paths
shift - keep angle but change length
double click - add new points on the path
Ctrl+Arrow - select point
q - snap to guides

Add new points


Select and move paths

Resize and rotate paths

Freehand drawing

Move, resize and rotate background image
x - on axis

Move canvas
Ctrl + Shift + Click
Space + Click

Ruler, measure length
x - on axis
ESC - remove ruler
q - snap to guides

Create quadratic Bézier curves

Create cubic Bézier curves

Quadratic path with two line handles

Convert selected points

X coordinate

Y coordinate




Tie curve handles for the selected edit point

Symmetrical handles

Convert segment to line.

Convert SVG file to monochrome TTF glyph

Close path

Move the path to the bottom of the layer

Flip path vertically

Flip path horizontally

Create counter from outline

Set size for background image

Crop background image

Show/hide background image

Insert a new background image

High contrast

Set background threshold

Amount of autotrace details

Autotrace simplification

Autotrace background image

Delete background image

Create outline and counter path for a COLR path (merge objects).

Set this color to the foreground color of the font (set by the user).

Apply stroke

Fill Path

Stroke width

Create outline form stroke

Butt line cap

Round line cap

Square line cap

Miter join

Bevel join

Round join

Show guidelines

Show more guidelines

Show guidelines at top and bottom margin

Show grid

Lock guides and grid

View current glyph in 72pt (scale 1:1)

Show full glyph

Fit in view

Zoom in on background image

Show glyph sequence

Show entire glyph sequence

Previous view

Next view



Variable font settings

Check if variable glyph is valid for export

Show interpolated variation

Edit variable master

Show export instance

Create new spacing class.

Create new kerning class.

Use text input to enter kerning values.

Insert letter derived from a base glyph, you can also press and hold a key to show the input box

Insert glyph from overview

Insert character by unicode value

Writing direction (right to left)

Show contextual forms, mainly used in Arbic scripts (isola, init, medi and fina).

Use default shaper.

Process ligatures

Set size to 72pt

Display OpenType SVG glyphs

Display COLR glyphs

Display monochrome glyphs

Show under line

Previous kerning string

Next kerning string

Load text to kern

Reload text to kern

Clear text

Variable font settings

Check if variable glyph is valid for export

Show interpolated variation

Edit variable master

Show export instance

Reload webview

Export fonts

Generate html document


Display OpenType SVG glyphs

Display COLR glyphs

Display monochrome glyphs

Filter on monochrome or color in all glyphs selection.

Select all glyphs in this color filter.

Center glyph horizontally

Center glyph vertically

Create alternate

Contextual forms, mainly used in Arbic scripts

Set curve orientation, outline or counter path

Convert SVG file to monochrome TTF glyph

Create monochrome glyph as TTF fallback

Create empty TTF fallback

Generate COLR glyph from SVG and vice versa.

Add new Unicode point

Delete points on points


Adjust left sidebearing (LSB) (ratio)

Adjust right sidebearing (RSB) (ratio)


Alignment after resize (top or baseline).

Set left sidebearing in glyph.

Set glyph width.

Set new RSB (right sidebearing).

Set stroke width (auto bold)

Keep spacing glyph position (don't update spacing).

Outline stroke width

Create new spacing class.

Insert letter derived from a base glyph, you can also press and hold a key to show the input box

Insert glyph from overview

Insert character by unicode value

Writing direction (right to left)

Show contextual forms, mainly used in Arbic scripts (isola, init, medi and fina).

Process ligatures

Use default shaper.

Set size to 72pt

Show under line

Display OpenType SVG glyphs

Display COLR glyphs

Display monochrome glyphs

Previous kerning string

Next kerning string

Load text to kern

Reload text to kern

Clear text

Variable font settings

Check if variable glyph is valid for export

Show interpolated variation

Edit variable master

Show export instance

Select background

Move, resize and rotate background image
x - on axis

Move canvas
Ctrl + Shift + Click
Space + Click


Set size for background image

Background Settings

View current glyph in 72pt (scale 1:1)

Show full glyph

Fit in view

Zoom in on background image

Show glyph sequence

Show entire glyph sequence

Previous view

Next view

Show guidelines

Show more guidelines

Show guidelines at top and bottom margin

Show grid

Lock guides and grid

Zoom in

Zoom out

Convert the last segment to a straight line